Hypnotherapy for alcohol reduction | Tansy Forrest London Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy for Alcohol Reduction

Does excessive drinking take hold of you?

Do you feel that you want to cut down on your drinking but don’t want to give up alcohol altogether? Do you often find yourself consuming more alcohol than you are really happy with? Does it feel impossible to resist the temptation of 'just one more'?

Excessive drinking takes a hold of you when we get disproportionally focused on the present moment (and extending it) and as a result lose perception of the future and its consequences. All that exists is only now ….and now….and now…. and tomorrow is only thought of when you wake up in the morning!

Increasing alcohol consumption and binge drinking is rarely out of the media. However it seems that the majority of therapies and therapists offer an all-or nothing solution, give up completely or give in to the drink. The good news is if you want to reduce our alcohol intake without the need to give up completely I can offer you a alternative way to help you enjoy a moderate amount of alcohol with confidence and ease. 

You may currently think that you need to stop drinking completely as you don’t trust yourself as a result of your history with alcohol. However, I can assure you that you possess amazing resources inside you that can kick start you into a pain free, uncomplicated moderation journey and it begins right here on this page !

How does hypnotherapy work to reduce alcohol consumption?

With the aid of hypnotherapy, I will teach you how to instill a beneficial positive outlook relating to moderate drinking. It works at the subconscious level within your mind, to ensure that alcohol becomes less and less important in your life and increase your ability to think long term about developing a good relationship with alcohol. My program of hypnotherapy will deal with emotional issues that may be connected with drinking such as boredom, stress or upsetting experiences. My approach allows you to take hold of your choices again, breaking the habit of drinking, reprogramming your sleeping patterns and releasing cravings allowing you to be firmly in control of alcohol again.

With my comprehensive approach you will be able to enjoy moderate drinking and stop drinking before the point of ‘no return’ or where the volume of alcohol has far gone over healthy limits. I can help you to stop binge drinking and moderate your intake by re-setting the mind and your complete attitude to alcohol, the way it affects your moods, your wellbeing, your interpersonal relationships and your life. Moderate social drinking then becomes the new normal and binge drinking, part of the past. I individually tailor all my hypnotherapy programmes to each client and their needs.

Those who have experienced hypnotherapy describe it as incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating on both a physical and psychological level. Even more importantly they gain a brighter outlook on life too regardless of what they come to see me about.

related resources on alcohol moderation or ABSTINENCE 

What benefits can I expect to get from hypnotherapy for alcohol reduction?

  • A decreased desire for alcohol
  • Insight into why you got yourself in a drinking rut and how to change it
  • Learn powerful techniques to enable you to block out unhelpful thoughts about drinking
  • Develop healthier coping strategies that reflect how you want to be, not who you were 
  • Gain an increased sense of self control and achievement
  • Lean how to stop drinking when you want to
  • Improve your sober self-esteem so you don't need to drink to feel calmer or self-assured

How does my approach work?

My approach is a tailored form of therapy using a multi-faceted approach which includes elements of clinical hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and strategic goal setting.

Your first session will be a fact-find where we will discuss your current situation, history regarding your drinking patterns, your goals and motives. This will become the foundation to a bespoke plan to help your moderation goals become a reality.

All sessions will involve a hypnotic induction to induce a trance state, a deepening process to access and communicate with the unconscious mind, specific suggestions linked to your unique circumstances to enable change and an awakening to take you out of trance.

I look forward to speaking with you soon and helping you on your journey to a new you!

What do my clients say?* 


"I reduced my intake to 14 units a week from around 80-90 previously. Working with Tansy I have genuinely found the change easy and I feel great, lost weight without trying".

Alcohol has always been a part of my social life , not to an alcoholic or damaging level but a glass or two most nights several more at dinner parties , stressful days , work events , social functions etc. Have been last man standing at most parties for as far back as I can remember. I have given alcohol up many times over the years mainly with a dry January or a post holiday month off even, but when I went back to drinking always seemed to overdo it again. I never managed the magical moderate drinking.

I procrastinated about booking a consultation with Tansy from about January did another dry month and went back to normal drinking. In March I finally booked a telephone consultation with Tansy and by the end of the call was convinced this was the way to go and am absolutely delighted with the results.

Working with Tansy has been really enjoyable , I was ready to make a change and really wanted a more moderate approach to drinking and from the outset Tansy’s approach has given me huge confidence in the process and has delivered truly amazing results. I always leave a session feeling so happy and relaxed, with a real sense of calm that stays with me.

The results from working with Tansy have been amazing, I am really enjoying the non drinking days as well as still having drinking days too but now I find that I am not rushing a glass I’m naturally drinking slower and savouring the flavour. I am more than happy to leave a drink if I’ve had enough and am really confident when I’ve decided to finish drinking for the evening. I chose to reduce my intake to 14 units a week, which seemed like it was going to be impossible from around 80-90 previously. Working with Tansy I have genuinely found the change easy and I feel great, lost weight without trying. I’ve had several events in the month including my wedding anniversary had a great bottle of wine and still stayed within my target. Tansy has also really helped motivate me back into a fitness regime. The surprise bonus has been how less stressed I feel now, I genuinely thought that having a glass of wine after work was the way to unwind at the end of a day and it’s not a glass I even think about now.

Anthony L.

"Hypnotherapy with Tansy is forward thinking and doesn’t ponder on what went wrong in the past but what you can aim for in the future."

I tried to self manage from time to time but really needed a boost and support. Although it’s early days, I find that Tansy has given me motivational tools to set me on my way.

Hypnotherapy is individual but it taps into an inner desire to tackle a problem if you really are fed up with that habit or behaviour. You can’t be hypnotised if you don’t want to and can come out of it whenever you want. I had counselling many years ago for another issue but found it too prolonged and retrospective. Hypnotherapy with Tansy is forward thinking and doesn’t ponder on what went wrong in the past but what you can aim for in the future.

I Immediately liked Tansy - her warmth, genuine interest and empathy. Our sessions were relaxed and I felt very trusting as she was not prescriptive in her methods. She made me feel extremely comfortable and because she draws on her own experiences, as well as her training and research, this allowed me to be more candid with her and together work out the best strategies for me. She is also realistic about the process.

Jane W.

"Just after the first session of hypnotherapy I felt so much more in control on a night out."

I wanted to cut down on binge drinking as i was never able to stop once I had started. I seemed to drink more than everyone else, be the most drunk and end up with 2 day hangovers. To manage this I would avoid going out as couldn’t trust myself just to have a couple. But most of the time I would go out anyway and ride out the hangover and endure the anxiety that would follow.

Just after the first session of hypnotherapy I felt so much more in control on a night out. My drinking slowed down and I was very conscious about my limits and not crossing the point of no return. I have my Sunday’s back now. I would never plan anything on a Sunday as knew I would normally be in no fit state to do anything.

I felt very relaxed and Tansy really understood my issues and suited my sessions accordingly.

David B.

"I went from being overwhelmed and depressed to now feeling positive, back to my outgoing self. After Tansy fixed that problem, I came back for help with being a bit overweight"

I was struggling to see the good in life, I felt like everything was too much and I was not coping with work, home, finances or my social life. I needed some help clearing my thinking and seeing things differently. After months of struggling, I decided I needed help, and found and contacted Tansy that day.

I was anxious going to my first session, but Tansy reassured me that hypnosis is actually a very pleasant experience. I was concerned about losing control of myself or clucking like a chicken for the rest of my life. But in actuality, it is a very relaxing and pleasant process, throughout which you have total control of your faculties. Hypnotherapy is very pleasant and a way to have someone else guide you through the dark times and into better times.

After our session together I felt great! I went from being overwhelmed and depressed to now feeling positive, back to my outgoing self. After Tansy fixed that problem, I came back for help with being a bit overweight and Tansy has been great with this different problem too.

Tansy not only delivers but over-delivers, with preparation and follow up from each session. It has been a really great experience and I recommend anyone to give it a try.

Rick M.

*Please note that effects of therapy may vary from person to person.

About Tansy Forrest 

I am a fully qualified, insured clinical hypnotherapist and the owner of Tansy Forrest Hypnotherapy. In my previous career I was as a teacher where I worked my way up to Head of Department of Social Sciences.  I have completed a Masters Degree at University College London before completing a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy here in London.  

I am passionate about helping people to see their true potential.  My philosophy is about enjoying life and understanding that you don’t have to run away from your problems, but instead deal with them head on. My tailored and unique approach during my therapy sessions is progressive rather than regressive, allowing my clients to achieve lasting change.

NCH Registered Therapist Seal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How do I know hypnotherapy will work for me?

Is hypnotherapy safe? Will I lose control?

Where is your therapy practice located? Can I see you remotely?